Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The American Economy- Worse than Iraq under Hussien?

An interesting comparison I just ran across-Iraqi Refugees call the American Dream, a "Bad Dream". Threatened at home by death threats on the door, they came to America in search of security, only to be threatened in America by eviction notices on the door. And in this economy, when even Americans are going, on average, 56 weeks without work, how is an Iraqi Immigrant, who may have worked as a translator for our troops, injured in the line of duty, going to find work or even medical insurance?

When our economy and our health care system is worse than that under Saddam Hussien, you know we're in trouble!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Been about a month

But it's been the busiest month of my life. FIVE weekends away from home.

So I just this week returned to Economic Populist, and got myself into trouble right away for insisting on the Classical Economics definition of wealth with respect to day trading:

Note that right after chastising ME for being outside of economic Theory, Robert Oak posts a comment titled "Adam Smith was wrong"- well, if you're just going to change economic theory on a whim, you can't expect everybody else to keep up.

This led to me pulling an instapopulist on this story as well:

Which admittedly came from a slashdot post, from that well known Conspiracy Theorist and Georgia Farmer, Zogger:

Which Robert Oak objected to because I used the term Gross World Product interchangibly with Global Gross Domestic Product.

I still would like to know what the difference between global (all human communities) and the world (all human communities) is. But that's just my autism talking. I have a feeling I'll be banned again soon.
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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at http://outsidetheaustisticasylum.blogspot.com.